Here is the deal:

Music: A lot of music!!! The best from Brazil: Axé, Reggae, Samba-reggae, MPB, plus anything else that we think is gonna keep the mood and make you shake your booty!!!!
You've never heard about Axé or MPB and think Samba is Salsa, and you are worried that you don't know any fancy moves? This is not going to be a ball dancing contest! You can just jump up and down, that's fine! Carnival, above everything else, is about having fun and being in the party mood!!!
Anyway, we gonna have our own bunch of Brazilians leading the stuff.




Bushmen: The best and most famous Reggae band in Singapore will give us a mix of their usual repertory, plus a bit of Brazilian Reggae.

Capoeira: Show with Master Ousado and Company. A fight-like dance and a dance-like fight, the Brazilian martial art. Master Ousado is the first capoeira master in Singapore (


Capoeira at Argola de Ouro (Singapore)

Live percussion performers, flame juggling and whatever else we can came up with until the party day!

Drinks: Great prices for Corona Beer and all sort of drinks with
Velho Barreiro cachaça, the Brazilian spirit. From the tradicional "caipirinha" to the most exotic "batidas"! Oh, and a "Cachaceira" selling cachaça shots with honey (the cachaça, not the cachaceira).



Food: The best that the Fullmoon Beach Bar & Grill has to offer with an extra touch from Brazil.

Time: Finally something in Singapore that doesn't end at three. We are there also to have fun, and we are going to stay until... well, honestly I don't know... The party starts at 22:00!
Don't you wanna have your breakfast on the beach for a change?


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